“This house is situated in a beautiful valley, nine miles east of the head of Cayuga Lake, and nine hundred feet above its level. It has become a very popular summer resort, because of this beautiful scenery that surrounds it, the pure atmosphere, and its Magnetic Mineral Water. The rugged hills that surround it afford the most romantic scenery, and offer abundant amusement to the hunter and tourist….
“The atmosphere is of the purest, and very bracing, even in the sultry noon-day of mid-summer, the great altitude preventing fogs.
“The mineral water is more pleasant to the taste than the purest well water, and holds a wonderful power of magnetism. Hundreds of invalids have been absolutely cured, and many others permanently relieved….
With proper use, it cures Sciatic Rheumatism, Chronic Rheumatism, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Kidney Complaints, Nervous Diseases, and General Debility. Guests have free use of the Mineral Water, as there are springs connected with the establishment. A flowing well, sixty-five [feet] deep, supplies this house. Baths may be taken at the pleasure of the guest.”1
- Excerpt from Advertisement for The Fountain House, which appeared in The Ithaca Journal, ND.